My background
I have over 20-years of academic, policy and business experience in sustainable energy. I have helped clients around the world understand, and plan for the implications of zero-carbon futures on business models and strategy, consumers, customers and citizens, policy and regulatory frameworks and energy systems.
I am currently a part-time Senior Research Fellow at the Grantham at Imperial College London, where I lead a team in the UK Energy Revolution Research Consortium examining the policy and regulation of smart local energy systems.
I am also a Non-Executive Director of Public Power Solutions and Deputy Chair of the UK Power Networks Customer Engagement Group.
In the past, I have been Head of Sustainable Energy Futures at the GB energy regulator, Ofgem and Head of Science for Work Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
I've also worked at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the UK Energy Research Centre, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Green Chemistry Group at the University of York and at Sellafield as a research chemist in a nuclear laboratory.
I'm always looking for opportunities to help, collaborate and connect.
+44 (0)7736273157